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Master agile conversations

Human-led training combined with AI-powered tools to support trust-building communication in agile teams
Engineering Team

Make every conversation collaborative

The ability to communicate with trust, transparency and collaboration are essential for cross-functional agile teams delivering change and innovation. Our communication training teaches constructive feedback, debate, and conflict resolution specifically tailored for challenges within agile teams including how to:

  • Encourage productive debate that flushes out insight
  • Disagree collaboratively by focusing on facts, not personality
  • Discuss tradeoffs in ways that transform conflict into understanding
  • Discuss fears that prevent change

Communication training with support for lasting change

Traditional training via one-time workshops are not enough to sustain behavior change. Our communication training programs are based on neuroscience research to support lasting learning in minimal time. We combine live human-led webinars with microlearning modules and on-the-job support using AI-powered tools to sustain and embed learning.

Our training packages include:

  • Live webinar training: Learn the practical skills for effective feedback and difficult conversations based on neuroscience and behavioral science research, including role plays with feedback from our expert human trainers.

  • On-demand microlearning modules to reinforce learning: Continue practicing effective communication for common workplace scenarios any time using our short (~10 minute) online practice sessions while receiving real time AI feedback.

  • Continued support for embedding learning at work: Our AI-powered support tools embed continuous learning on-the-job by providing support for real, upcoming difficult conversations.

Employee Conversation

Advantages over traditional training:

  • Learning is sustained over time: We supplement our training with on-demand practice modules, featuring common challenging communication scenarios that leaders face. For more on the importance of spacing learning over time see here.

  • Learning is reinforced with continuous feedback: Our AI tools provide real-time, personalised feedback on specific phrases to be improved upon. This enables deliberate practice, which has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to learn new skills. For more see here.

  • Learning is embedded through on-the-job support: Our AI-powered tools helps you prepare effective messages for real, upcoming situations, enabling on-the-job learning. For more about on-the-job learning see here.

I always want to maximize how to turn diverse viewpoints and personalities into the most productive and cohesive teams. The techniques I learn from Emotional Health Essentials I use at work the very next day.


Ready to learn more? We look forward to exploring ways to bring Emotional Health Essentials training into your organization.